Tech Corner - 26. February 2021

Mix of web tech articles

Simplify your React components

React components can be too complex if they contain multiple responsibilities and features. The article explains how to reduce component complexity by creating a "mediator" component.

History and future of React Redux

Learn more about the complete history of React Redux implementation. It explains the design decisions in the background of the library and explains why some did not work and what was done to fix them. Highlight the next steps in future versions of the project. Definitely worth reading!

Performance of the polymorphic JS methods

Polymorphic functions are those that change their behavior based on the type of arguments passed to it. This would mean that it is worse to optimize them using a JS engine. Is it really true how high the performance penalty is? Take a look at the article.

Measuring Core Web Vitals using Sentry

Core Web Vitals got a lot of prey over the last year. Allows you to observe multi performance aspects of the application. Among other tools, Sentry allows you to collect and analyze these metrics. Learn how to do this with Sentry.

Building and managing form with React Native

An experienced React Native developer would already know. In applications, we always build a form to collect data from users. Managing forms is a bit more difficult, especially if they are complex. React hook form is one of the libraries that can help you with that. Learn how to use it with React Native to make your life easier.

Useful devtool tips and shortcuts

Every web developer uses them. Browser dev tools often come in handy when you need to review or fix bugs. Improve their use and get tips on how to make better use of browser development tools. In addition, this article shows you useful new features that you may not be familiar with!

How to type curry functions in Typescript

If you are fan of the functional programming you are definitely aware of currying. However typing it correctly with Typescript may not be so easy. See the article for more information.

Inlining svgs as data URI

Inlining svgs is useful in some scenarios as simple icons that are not worth importing or loading over a network. The first idea would be likely to base64 encode the svg as data URI. However, you can be more efficient. See how.

Stay tuned for another newsletter full of articles worth reading 🙂